
“You make everyone feel comfortable, yet get to the root of the conflict efficiently and deal with it effectively, leaving everyone involved feeling satisfied and part of the solution.”
"You can always be assured that whatever Annette is involved in it is done impeccably.”
“No task is ever too big or too small for Annette to undertake and her enthusiasm and professional manner for the job at hand is always welcomed.”
“Annette was able to recognise and articulate specific challenges which our organisation faced and was able to define strategies for improvement.”
“Thank you for being so supportive and approachable.”
“Thank you for all the energy and enthusiasm you have put into our plans. The timelines have been extremely short, and you have worked diligently and with the utmost of professionalism.”
“Annette’s major strength is her ability to assess a situation quickly and then formulate an action plan. Annette is astute in her observation and estimation of people.”
“A clear strength is Annette’s ability to maintain objectivity when guiding and counselling others.”
How we
support you?

Totius specialises in helping people going through divorce and separation to develop co-parenting agreements and finalise property and financial matters. We also help people who are experiencing change and conflict find easier ways to move forward. Our philosophy is to work together to create opportunities for you to thrive with insight, understanding and support. 

Family Dispute Resolution

Property & Financial Settlement



“Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Let's TALK

Small Steps, Big Results

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